PRTG Manual: Maps Settings

Using the Map tabs you can access all functionalities and settings for a map.

Maps Tabs

Maps Tabs

Click on the Go to all maps button at the bottom of the page to return to the list of Maps.

View Map

Click on the View Map tab any time to show a preview of your map.

Map Designer

Click on the Map Designer tab to edit the contents of your map. Please see Maps Designer section.


Click on the Settings tab to open a map's general settings. Note: When using the Add Map dialog, not all of these settings are available. You can change them later by clicking on the Settings tab.

Basic Map Settings

Map Name

Enter a meaningful name for the map.

Security Context

Define the user account that will be used for access to monitoring data. The map will only contain objects which the selected user is allowed to view. Please choose a user from the list. The available users depend on your configuration. By default, this is the user that created the map. PRTG Administrator users can change this setting.


Define the time zone that will be used for all date-specific options in this map. Select a time zone from the list.

Tag Filter

This setting affects table maps objects. Enter one or more tags separated by space or comma to include sensors in tables. Only sensors with one of the tags entered here (including inherited tags from parent objects) will be appear in this map's data tables. Please enter a string or leave the field empty.

Map Layout

Map Width

Define the width of the map in pixels. Please enter an integer value.

Map Height

Define the height of the map in pixels. Please enter an integer value.

Background Picture

Define if you want to use a background picture for the map. Choose between:

  • On: Use a background image (define below).
  • Off: Do not use a background image.

Background Image

This option is only visible if a background picture is enabled above. Click on the Choose File button and select an image from your computer or network. Note: Only images in the format JPG, PNG, and GIF are supported. The image must be smaller than 18 MB. If you try to upload other images, you will get an error message. In a cluster, background images are not automatically deployed to the other nodes! In order to view maps on other nodes, please copy the background pictures manually to \website\mapbackground of the program directory on every node. For detailed information on how to find this path, please see Data Storage section.

Background Color

Select a background color for this Map. Either enter a hex color code or choose a color from the color selector. The hex color code field will always display the currently defined color.

Public Access

Allow Public Access

Define if others can see the map. Choose between:

  • No (map can not be viewed without login): Do not allow public access to the map. Only users with both a login to the PRTG web interface and sufficient access rights can see the map.
  • Yes (map can be viewed by using a unique URL): Allow access to the map using a unique address. The URL contains an ID that you can change below.

Map ID

This field is only visible if public access is enabled above. An ID is automatically generated. It is part of the public URL for the map. We recommend using the default value. For more information on public access, please see the Get HTML section.

Inherit Access Rights

User Group Access

Define which user group(s) will have access to the object you're editing. A table with user groups and right is shown; it contains all user groups from your setup. For each user group you can choose from the following access rights:

  • Inherited: Use the settings of the parent object.
  • None: Users in this group cannot see or edit the object. The object does not show up in lists.
  • Read: Users in this group can see the object and review its settings.
  • Write: Users in this group can see the object, as well as review and edit its settings. However, they cannot edit access rights settings.
  • Full: Users in this group can see the object, as well as review and edit its settings and edit access rights settings.

You can create new user groups in the System Administration—User Groups settings.

Click on the Save button to store your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu, all changes to the settings will be lost!


Your PRTG map is like a standalone HTML page. You can make it accessible to others, if you like. Depending on the Public Access setting of your map, a visitor will need to provide PRTG user account login data to view the map, or will see the map immediately using a URL containing a unique ID. When using the unique ID, you can also include your map on another webpage, embedding it via <iframe>.

  • Option 1: Link to a web page with the map
    Two URLs are shown: One for access with login, and another for direct access without login. In order for the URL without login to work, you must enable Public Access in the settings tab of your map. Note: In the URL, manually replace the string YOUR_PRTG_SERVER_IP by the IP address or DNS name via which the page is available. PRTG cannot determine this automatically, as there may be a NAT translation set in your firewall, or you may want to use a domain name or a name from a dynamic DNS service for public access.
  • Option 2: Show a map inside other web pages using an IFRAME
    For your convenience, this shows source code for adding an iframe to another webpage. It includes a URL for direct access. Just copy the code and paste it into your webpage's code. Note: In the URL, manually replace the string YOUR_PRTG_SERVER_IP by the IP address or DNS name via which the page is available. PRTG cannot determine this automatically, as there may be a NAT translation set in your firewall, or you may want to use a domain name or a name from a dynamic DNS service for public access.

While a map is shown via these URLs, you can change the refresh interval any time by hovering the arrows symbol in the lower right corner. Choose between 10, 30, or 60 seconds, 10 minutes or Refresh now.


In the Comments tab you can enter free text for each object. This can be used for documentation purposes or to leave information for other users.


You can delete the entire map any time by clicking on the trash symbol on the right.


Knowledge Base: How to disable links in public maps?




